Get Your Shoulder Bazookas!!

Dear Turbine,

Shoulder Bazookas need to be a Champion only item initiated and implemented immediately into the game.  If you have any questions, please refer to the “Champion Round Table” podcast episode from Casual Stroll to Mordor.

k, thnx.


Hooooo Nelly!

Wow… I didn’t realize how fast time has flown by!  I’m sorry I’ve slacked so royally on updating my blog!

So… updates… yea… let’s rock.

First and largest is that I’m working like a mad man these days.  I’m in a role where I migrate, aggregate, dedupe, process, verify and validate, compliment, hi-five and beer-chug with data.  Mainly it’s all for a VERY large retailer, however, I do some other stuff here and there for the company as well.  As such.. I’ve been working 9-16 hour shifts… 3-5 days a week.  And it’s killing me.  But I love the work, love the people I work with, and have a blast doing it.

As such.. I haven’t had all that much time to game at ALL lately.  It’s stinky!  I’ve managed to fill in some Borderlands here and there since I can pick up and save/quit whenever I want.. a little harder to do that while questing in LotRO or WoW.  I have to admit.. even though I’m about a year or more late to coming around to this game.. it’s friggin’ AWESOME!  I’m stoked that Meghan over at the LOTRO Community Forums was chatting about it and sold me on the game.  Good buy!

When I have had a little more time to game.. I’ve been playing a little LOTRO here and there (mostly just a skirmish w/ my RK or working on the quests in Enedwaith on my Champ).  But I’ve spent most of that time leveling my Priest in WoW.  I’ve always hated the concept of healing in an MMO.  I’m a tank, through and though, and I prefer melee classes almost ALWAYS.  But I have to admit… there’s an interesting draw to the challenge of healing in an MMO.  Hence.. leveling my Priest in WoW and my RK in LOTRO.  But.. I’m far far away from end-game stuff yet… but having a lot of fun working with those class types.

Also…. news and noteworthy…. This Friday at 9pm EST, I’ll be joining the Casual Stroll to Mordor’s Champion Class Round Table discussion!  I’m super excited about this!  Since work has literally bombarded all my freetime as of late… and the “hiatus” status of Mordor or Bust… I’m excited about having a little guest spot back on a podcast, and a damn good one to boot!  So some of my freetime this week will be dedicated to actually studying how I handle my champ.  It’s all so muscle memory these days that I don’t even know a majority of the skill names.  But.. a few notes to take and a little dungeon, Moors, and skirmish runs later… and I’m almost all set.  Prepare yourself Merric.  I’m going to mess with you.  😀


That’s all for now, buckos!  Have fun, and happy hunting!

Too Long Since I Last Said, “I Love You….”

Yea… crud… I just realized that it’s been a couple weeks since my last post and for that, I humbly apologize to my five readers (wife included)!

Been busy with work and tinkering here and there in the free land of Middle-Earth!  I have to admit… that the majority of the items that I’ve purchased in the Store have been convenience based purchases (riding skill and horses for my lower leveled alts).  But I’ve picked up a couple miscellaneous junk items as well!  Tune in a little later and I’ll rant and rave about why I am happy continuing to pay a monthly subscription for a game that has gone “Free To Play”!


P.S. If you read my blog, and you haven’t started following my madness on Twitter, check it out! (or just @blademartial)

I’m All Up In UR Podcasts!!

This week (umm.. well.. over the last couple days rather), I made my triumphant return to the MoB Podcast, and sneakily… I was able to wiggle my way into the Casual Stroll to Mordor Podcast as well!! (ok… so technically my name was mentioned twice… hardly a triumph, but I consider it so, so neener neener!)


A Little Leveling Music….

Normally I’m amazingly picky and stingy when it comes to me sharing my tastes in music with others… however… my brother and I were talking today about leveling and being able to chit-chat via skype or vent… and while we aren’t always on the same schedule, I like to listen to music while I level.  But not just any music… I have a crazy obsession with Deadmau5, the not-a-DJ, more-performer, but-kinda-just-a-cool-music-maker-guy.  So here’s the current playlist that I’m rocking out to while I’ve been able to play the last week.  Again… this is just highlights (and easier to find songs on YouTube….) of my playlist.

All tracks are Deadmau5, unless otherwise noted.

“We Fail”

Hybrid-“Finished Symphony (Deadmau5 remix)”

“Some Chords (Original Mix-Full Version)”


“Brazil (2nd Edit)”

“Ghosts N Stuff (feat Rob Swire)”

“Hi Friend! (feat MC Flipside)”

“The Reward Is Cheese (vs. Jelo)”

“Vanishing Point”

This section is for dungeons/raids/moors:

Fedde le Grand – “Back and Forth (feat Mr. V)”

David Guetta – “I Wanna Go Crazy (feat”

Prodigy – “Invaders Must Die”

Hyper Crush – “The Arcade”

Hyper Crush – “Keep Up”

Fedde le Grand – “Praise You 2009 (FLG Remix)”

Muse – “Resistance (Tiësto Remix)”

A Minor Dilemma…

So here I am, an admitted Alt-aholic, and yet I can’t seem to nail down a class other than my Champion, that I really love to play!  I like the Hunter, Guardian and the Rune-keeper.  I’ve dabbled with the Warden (and gave up around level 20 due to my inability to memorize the skills) and the Minstrel (again, gave up around 20, but this was back in SoA days, and now they’re easier to level from what I hear).  Anyhoot… the point is this… here I am, a handful of alts… and not a single one of them do I really enjoy or at least look forward to playing and leveling.  I absolutely refuse to roll another Champion (at least on the same server).  So… with that all said… I’m open to suggestions.  Anyone out there wanna toss me an idea, thought, suggestion, limerick?  Anything?  Hollah at ya boy!

Why I <3 MoB….

So I ❤ MoB (

Here’s why:

Fun people to work and play with.  Was working my tail off on getting stuff recorded yesterday, and instead of getting everything finished…. I actually lost my voice!  And when I let a few folks know?  I get “It’s all fun and games until someone loses their voice…” as a response!  😀

All kidding aside, next episode should be jam-packed with awesomeness!  Stay tuned everyone!  More epic epic-ness or epic proportions to come!

An Absence?

Well… great news is I landed a job yesterday! Rough news is I have to pass a couple of major certifications with only a little amount of time to prep for them. As such, I’ll be absent for a little while (probably a couple of weeks) from the blog and LOTRO world. But when I come back, I’ll let everyone know.

First Certificate on the deck: Linux+ Needs to be done in 2 weeks (just a lot of cramming and studying, and I’ll get it!)
Second: RHCT (Red Had Certification). This one is far more intensive and specific and I have two months to complete it. Gonna be a busy bee!

Up, Running and Writing a Storm!

Since I’m finally back up and running, I got together briefly w/ the MoB folks (Xy and Fyurae) and we’ve hammered out the details (sorta) of my next segment contribution to the podcast. As such, I’ve been diligently working on writing up this upcoming piece (rather, pieces, since it’s going to take awhile for me to have all the points and sub-topics talked about). More work, no play, makes Blademartial a little flustered… so I’m using the excuse of “working on my writing” to finally work my main to hit 65 (FINALLY! I’ve slacked waaaay too long on this by playing alts). I’ve been sitting at 63 for quite awhile, and now I’m about 1/2 way through 64 now. Just a bunch more questing and voila! All done. Now… need to grab a couple of kinmates and coerce them into running a couple dungeons and some group quests with me! :-D

Until next time, happy hunting!


Mysterious Mysteries from Mysterious People (?)

Got an email today from a couple friends of mine from a couple games we play together.  Curious and curious… I said that I was to be shortly receiving a gift of welcoming from them shortly.  I’ve gamed with these folks for a good 3 years, so I’m really worried that it will either be A) 6pk of beer, B) a pink tutu, or C) a pack of black licorice (person fav of mine).

Whatever it will be, I am blessed to know and game with good folks!